How did you get into the AV industry?
I started in AV in 2024 after getting recruited online for a Director of Marketing position. I was initially hired to reboot a brand and website, which I had done many time before. I’ve always loved the challenge of creating a distinct brand identity for companies. I got hired on right before InfoComm, and quite literally thrown into the deep end of AV. I can’t imagine being in any other industry now. It’s home.
Have you encountered any difficulties or obstacles in your AV industry career?
Yes, but rather than dwell on the obstacles, I’d rather focus on the solutions. For me that entailed becoming the Chair of the AVIXA Womens Council and subsequently founding WAVIT. Finding my voice and advocating for women in the industry fuels my purpose.
Whom would you point to as the most influential and helpful mentors in your career? What did they do to help you?
There are really 3 people who have been the most influential in my career. Early on, Sandy Taber, who really showed me how to communicate and push for what I wanted to get out of my career. Cory Schaeffer, who taught me about failing forward, as well as, navigating my career path in AV. And lastly, Hal Truax. I attribute him for helping me figure out that I should start a Marketing and PR Agency. He has always believed in me and encouraged me to take chances that have really paid off.
What is your proudest career accomplishment?
So many moments stand out, hard to choose just one… but if I had to pick it would be starting WAVIT. Hearing the positive waves of feedback from colleagues in the industry expressing how WAVIT has helped them is priceless. So proud of what we’ve accomplished.
What do you love most about working in the AV industry?
I love that our industry is so accepting of all walks of life. It’s an acceptance that its ok to “comes-as-you-are”. There is truly something for everyone in this industry. I’ve never felt more welcomed and accepted for all my quirks.
How can the AV industry become even better?
In my opinion, diversity is key. We need to do a better job at reaching out to younger people and recruiting them into AV. We could also do a better job at elevating women in the workplace. We need more women in leadership and executive roles as well as technical positions. Part of that is outreach, and part of that is cultivating within an already talented AV industry.